MVP is partnering with Spartanburg Community College to provide students with up to 60 college credits while in high school.
Spartanburg Community College
Qualifying Juniors and Seniors will carry a full load (12 hours) of college courses each semester. These classes will be provided at SCC's campus. Sophomores will take two classes per semester on the MVP campus.
Please watch this 2 minute video to explain the SCC/MVP partnership.
Examples of Courses
Final Courses will be selected in the Spring based on student needs.
English 101 & 102
College Algebra MAT 110
College Stats MAT 120
Social Studies
Intro to Sociology SOC 101
Western Civilization HIS 102
Psychology PSY 201
Biology 101
Anatomy BIO 112
Spanish 101
American Sign Language ASL 101 & 102
Computer Science
Intro to Computers CPT170
Programming Logic & Design CPT 168
Fine Arts
Music Appreciation MUS 105
Intro to Art Appreciation ARTH 101